Tennis Ball Mathematical Modeling Pdf
A model is a simplified representation of part of the real world. In this chapter we discuss models that can be described mathematically • Models are based on theory. In research models help to test theory by making predictions that can be compared with observations • Models also allow the implications of research results to be explored by making predictions for new situations • Each model is built for a specific purpose. A model that is useful for one job may be inappropriate for another task on a similar topic • Models vary in scope from the simple, which you can put together and use very quickly, to the complex that may take much of your project time to develop and use • Computing tools designed for the job can make modelling feasible for students who are not specialists 4.4 Mathematical models
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• A model is a simplified
representation of part of the
real world. In this chapter
we discuss models that can
be described mathematically
• Models are based on theory.
In research models help to
test theory by making
predictions that can be
compared with observations
• Models also allow the
implications of research
results to be explored by
making predictions for
new situations
• Each model is built for a
specific purpose. A model
that is useful for one job
may be inappropriate for
another task on a similar
• Models vary in scope from
the simple, which you can
put together and use very
quickly, to the complex that
may take much of your
project time to develop
and use
• Computing tools designed
for the job can make
modelling feasible for
students who are not
4.4 Mathematical models
Catherine Wangari Muthuri
Modelling can mean many things in research, and models of
one sort or another play a crucial role in much research.
Experience shows that the role and use of models is rarely
explained in research methods courses. The result is that
many students have only a vague idea about what models can
and should be doing for them. Modelling is often regarded as
the domain of specialists who sit hunched over computers, not
of agricultural researchers who want to solve real problems in
the field. The result is that much research is less effective than
it might be. The aim of this chapter is to start to fill that gap.
The chapter is divided into three major parts. The first
shows you how models are a natural part of the research
process. This is to help you develop your ideas from the general
'models are everywhere' to the main focus of the chapter,
which is concerned with mathematical or simulation models.
The second part discusses your options if you plan to do some
mathematical modelling. Finally, details of the steps you need
to follow to construct, use and test simple models are
described, using examples where modelling tools have been
applied in research studies in Kenya. Research findings can be
enriched by the use of simulation models and this is an
attempt to encourage you not to shy away from using
modelling tools just because you don't like maths!
Model types
Models are everywhere
You may not be aware of them, but you are using models all
the time. Models are not restricted to science. A religious belief,
philosophy or stereotypes are models. Indeed we use models
unconsciously in all decision making from deciding when to
change lane when driving to choosing careers. They come as
physical models in all shapes and sizes from dolls,
miniaturised cars and aeroplanes and globes, or as visual
representations in maps or pictures. They may be presented
as verbal or mental models, or in more abstract arithmetic or
algebraic form, in nearly all we learn. A model is just a
simplified representation of part of the real world.
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Physical models have been used for centuries in research. Engineers use models of boats to
study their stability and resistance to movement through the water. In biological research one
species is often said to 'model' another; in the early stages of medical research monkeys and
mice are used to model man, because they represent some aspects of human physiology well.
The images we carry in our minds, i.e., mental models, are simplified representations of complex
systems. We use them constantly to interpret the world around us and we usually do not realise
that we are doing so.
None of these models involve the complete similarity of real world and model, but similarity
in key features. A model is useful if it behaves in a realistic way for your problem. The scale
model of a ship may be useful for investigating its stability in the water, but it will be useless
for determining the profitability of operating the ship. Different models of the same
phenomenon are useful for different things. Take a 1-ha farm as an example. A map of the farm
(a visual scale model) might be useful when the farmer is planning the location of different
crops. Physical models of the landscape, built up from clay and painted, can be used to examine
the interaction of the farm with neighbouring farms and other land areas. Numerical input-
output models help in making investment decisions. Detailed numerical topological models can
be used to understand water flow and erosion on the farm. Each of these is a 'model of the farm'
and each is useful for its own purpose, but inadequate for other purposes.
Models in the research process
Research involves developing a theory of the real world and testing it with observation, then
perhaps using it to explain and predict further phenomena. Models are representations of the
theory and hence a fundamental part of the research process. Whether the model needs to be
formalised and described mathematically depends on whether the predictions of the theory can
be worked out without formalisation.
Models can be used in two steps of research:
1 In generating hypotheses or predictions, that will suggest the observations of the real world
that need to be made.
2 In assessing the extent to which our theory (as captured in the model) explains the real-
world observations.
If the model and observations agree then there is nothing in the data to suggest the theory
is not a good description of the real world. But of course we might have collected data that
does not test the theory in ways that are interesting! An important part of research design is
planning observations that do discriminate between models which are fit and unfit for their
intended purpose.
If the model and observations do not agree then you can:
• Question the model structure and assumptions, revise and retest it
• Question the data: perhaps it is not really relevant to the model you have chosen
• Abandon the line of research.
Note that we should not persist with a model for too long when the 'real world' evidence is
that it should be rejected.
Mathematical models
This chapter is about the mathematical models that are used in agricultural research. If the
relationships and rules that make up the model are sufficiently well specified, then they can
be written down mathematically and produce numerical results. In very many models the
basic mathematical relationships and rules are simple (such statements as 'volume = mass /
density 'or 'yield is zero until after flowering'). Complex patterns of results often emerge
because of the many interacting components, rather than because there are some complex
mathematical ideas embedded in the model. This is important. It means you do not have to
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be a mathematician, or even very good at using mathematics, to make effective use of
models in your research.
A mathematical model is a set of equations that represent interconnections in a system, and
can be worked out either by hand or by using a computer. The equations are written in terms
of mathematical objects that correspond directly to physical quantities. If these objects change
as part of the phenomenon they are generally called variables while if they are fixed they are
generally called parameters.
Typically a model will consist of formulae that link some responses or quantities of interest
with inputs, or the things that affect them. For example, a simple model of soil moisture changes
is illustrated in Figure 1.
The soil moisture (W) at time t is Wt. Rainfall is Rt, uptake by plants is Utand drainage is Dt.
The model can be written mathematically as:
Wt+1 = Wt+ Rt– Ut– Dt
If we know the initial conditions (W0) and
the values of R, U and D then we can calculate
W at any time. The model is simplistic. It
ignores soil evaporation. That will not be a
problem if the model is being built for
applications in which soil evaporation can be
ignored, but would be a major deficiency in
other cases. The model also requires inputs
that might be hard to measure (U and D). For
some purposes you might be able to predict U,
by adding another part (some more
components) to the model. For some purposes
you could take:
Ut = c.Pt
where Ptis the potential evapotranspiration
and c is a 'constant'. This model might well be
useful for studying the effect of day-to-day
changes in P on W. However it is still too
simplistic for longer-term studies, as c will
probably not be constant, but will change as the
crop grows and matures. The value of c may
also depend on W, with the plants able to take
up less water when the soil is drier. It is easy to see how this process can quickly lead to models of
ever-increasing complexity, even though each step involves simple and realistic relationships.
Part of the skill in modelling is in choosing the components to model, including the things
which will be necessary but not putting in everything you can think of.
Conceptual and empirical models
Models can either be empirical (data-driven) or theoretical (theory-driven or conceptual). An
empirical model is based mainly on data. It may be used in statistical analysis of study results
and to predict within domains of 'similar' conditions to the empirical base. It does not explain
a system. For example, a fertilizer response curve is an empirical model. It can be developed
from observations on the yield of crops with different amounts of fertilizer, and used to predict
the yield at any fertilizer level. However, it does not explain why the yield response is the way
it is. An empirical model consists of one or more functions that capture the trend of the data.
Although you cannot use an empirical model to explain a system, you can use such a model to
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Figure 1. Simple model of soil moisture
predict behaviour. We use data to suggest the model, to estimate its parameters, and to test
the model. An empirical model is not built on general laws and is a condensed representation
of data. However many statistical or empirical models are built on elements of an underlying
theory, for example, we construct the input variables in a regression model based on a
theoretical understanding of factors that should determine the response.
A conceptual, theoretical or 'process based' model includes a set of general laws or
theoretical principles. If all the governing physical laws were well known and could be described
by equations of mathematical physics, the model would be physically based. However, all
existing theoretical models simplify the physical system and often include obviously empirical
components. Thus the distinction between conceptual and empirical models is not clear-cut.
And again, it is the modellers job to use something appropriate for the task, rather than to
assume that one approach has more intrinsic value than another.
Roles of models
Models play several roles including:
•Exploring the implications of theory. It may not be possible to see the implications of theories
that involve several interacting components without calculating what happens in different
conditions. Used in this way, models provide insights and add creativity
•Prediction or forecasting tools help users make sensible educated guesses about future
behaviour. These can be used in planning, scenario analysis and impact analysis
•Explaining observations and generating hypotheses
•Training so that learners can carry out 'virtual experiments', exploring the result of making
In research models can help answer such questions as:
'Can I construct a theory that explains my observations?'
'Is my hypothesis credible?'
'What new phenomenon does my theory help to explain?
Used for prediction, models can answer such questions as:
'Given the model, what will happen in the future?'
'Given the model, what's going on between places where I have data?'
'What is the likelihood of a given event?'
How to model
You have three options if you decide to use simulation models in your work. You can use an
already existing developed model, modify an existing model or develop a new model altogether.
Using an already developed model
Hundreds of models relevant to agricultural research have been developed and described and
are available to you. A few have to be purchased. Many are available free to researchers and can
be down loaded from web sites or obtained from the authors. The advantages of using a model
that someone else has developed include:
•Time saving. Some of the hard work has already been done
•Recognition. Some models have been widely used and described. Their value is already
recognised so you will find it easy to justify their use
•Support. You will find documentation, examples and maybe technical assistance in using
the models.
However there are also disadvantages, compared to the alternatives of developing your own
models. These include:
• You may not find a model that actually describes the phenomena in which you are interested
at the right level of simplification
GEAR: 4.4 Mathematical models 234
• The available models may require inputs that are not available to you
• You may not fully understand how the model is constructed (the theory on which it is based)
• The model may not run on any computer available to you, or in the way you need for your
If you are considering using a model, then select it by:
1 Determining exactly what you want to do with it. You will only be able to decide if candidate
models are suitable when your task is clear.
2 Searching literature and the Internet for references to models that tackle your problems, and
asking experts in the field.
3 Evaluating each possible model against your requirements. If you end up with more than
one candidate then choose the simplest.
Modifying an already existing model
You may well find that no available model meets your requirements but that some come close.
Therefore it may be desirable to modify a model. Modifying it may mean anything from
changing the way input files are handled to adding to or changing some of the underlying theory.
Often modification will mean adding a description of further components and processes to
address a specific situation.
If you plan to adapt or modify an existing model, all the points above about selecting it apply.
In addition you will have to be able to:
• Get access to the original computer code and description of the theory behind it
• Understand them fully
• Know how to modify it for your needs.
The computing skills you need will probably be more than those you need to just run an
existing model.
Some models are much easier to adapt than others. If they were originally designed and
produced with adaptation in mind then the task may be straightforward. If they were not built
to be adapted the task of modification may be all but impossible.
Adapting a model takes longer than using an already existing model. You need to go though
all the steps in the modelling process that are discussed later in this chapter. This implies that
the exercise becomes a major component of your research. It therefore demands that you have
sufficient skills and are familiar with the language of the packages and software used.
Developing a new model
The third option is to develop your own model. Situations that necessitate developing models
include those when:
• The outputs generated and inputs required are not catered for in the existing models
• Exiting models are too clumsy or complicated, or have a poor track record
• You are working in an area where no existing models can be found.
Given the novelty of most research, the last is likely to be the case. Building and using your own
models could be:
• Something that takes a few hours, if you are simply looking at a few interacting components
and are familiar with a suitable computing environment
• Something that takes most of your 3 years as a PhD student!
More likely it will be somewhere between the two. The steps in developing a model are
outlined below. The most critical are the first ones: defining useful and realistic objectives .
You will probably be most successful if you start with simple objectives. Reduce the problem to
its simplest objectives, and work on the simplest model that will meet those. This might be a
model with no more than two interacting components and simple rules describing them. Yet
even these models can give insights into your theory and observations that are not apparent
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until the model is formalised.
Steps in modelling
The steps involved in the modelling process
are summarised in the flowchart (Figure 2).
However, developing any useful model will be
an iterative process – you will certainly have
to return to early steps, for example, if you are
looking again at the interactions in your
model when it does not seem to give sensible
The model-building process can be as
enlightening as the model itself, because it
reveals what you know and what you don't
know about the connections and causalities
in the system you are studying. Thus
modelling can suggest what might be fruitful
paths for you to study and also help you to
pursue those paths.
Formulate a clear problem statement and characterise the results expected
As with all other aspects of research, what you do depends on what you want to find out. Setting
realistic and detailed objectives for your modelling will determine the whole nature of the task.
It will help you decide on the following important characteristics of models:
1 Will the model need to be deterministic or stochastic?
In deterministic models the future state of the system is completely determined (in principle)
by previous behaviour. In stochastic models the system is subject to unpredictable, random
changes. These models involve probability and statistics. If you are interested in risks, your
model will have to use stochastic components.
2 What timescale is appropriate?
The timescale of the processes in question determines the timescale of the models. Depending
on the time taken for the processes under question to reach an equilibrium or to be felt, useful
decisions on what to include/exclude in the model can be reached. For example, when looking
forward 100 years, you need to ignore daily/monthly or seasonal variations of the parameters
in question. Such variations can be ignored in a long-term model but could be important in a
short-time model. Examples of scales and typical times are:
• Metabolic (enzyme-catalyzed reactions; seconds to minutes)
• Epigenetic (short-term regulation of enzyme concentration; minutes to hours)
• Developmental (hours to years)
• Evolutionary (months to years).
3 Does the model need to be spatial?
All agriculture takes place in a spatial context, but only some problems require you to
specifically describe spatial interactions. Think of the problem of modelling small farms. If you
want to describe economic inputs and outputs of the farm you need to know that there are
crops, animals and trees, but it may not matter where on the farm they are. If you want to
model nutrient flow between tree and crop plots, then their location matters and the model
you use will have to be explicit about that. Many of the management decisions made by small-
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Figure 2. A summary of the steps involved
in the modelling process
scale farmers living in heterogeneous environments make use of spatial variability on their
farms, such as growing different crops on different patches of land, abandoning part of their
land, or focusing their efforts only on those patches with the highest returns to investment of
labour or inputs. Most of the current models in agriculture do not handle spatial variability well,
if at all. There is a clear need to develop existing models further, or to construct new ones, in
order to address this limitation. Unfortunately, the structure of many existing models does not
facilitate transformation to spatially explicit versions, as their linear nature restricts them to
being run in sequence many times, in order to simulate each patch of land in turn. This makes
it difficult to simulate simultaneous interactions between patches of land (e.g., soil, or water
flow down a gradient). In circumstances where spatial variability is a key factor affecting the
study it is advisable for you to explore using a model that takes this into consideration.
Determine the key variables in the system and their interconnections
In this step you need to determine the key variables in your study that will be represented by
variables in the computer model. Key variables are the few most important, significant factors
that affect the system and their relationships. The cause- and-effect connections in the real
system will be represented by interconnections in the computer model. Adding more and more
interconnections makes the model complex, though by design, models should be a
simplification of the system under study. A determinant of model usefulness is therefore the
ability of the modeller to leave out unimportant factors and capture the interactions among the
important factors. Note that a model is:
• Too complex when there are too many assumptions and relations to be understood
• Too simple when it excludes factors known to be important.
Constructing a model
Building a model is an interactive, trial and error process. A model is usually built up in steps
of increasing complexity until it is capable of describing the aspects of the system of interest.
Note: It will never 'reproduce reality'.
The appropriate tools you need to construct a model depend on the complexity of the model.
The simplest tools may be paper and pencil. Others may use spreadsheets, while the more
complex models may require dedicated modelling software that uses its own language. The
simplest mathematical model takes the form of equations show how the magnitude of one
variable can be calculated from the others and spreadsheets like Excel are adequate for the task.
More complex computer simulations use special software that allows the building and testing
of a model. There are software products available that make building and running some types
of models very easy even if you know nothing about computer programming. Investigate such
software as STELLA and ModelMaker before trying to write your own code in lower-level
computing languages. They make the job of developing and running your own models very
much simpler!
The development of the simple soil water model outlined in Figure 1 is shown here to give
you an idea of what is involved. The model represented in Figure 1 is drawn in STELLA. In Figure
3a. STELLA uses four main types of building blocks:
Stocks. These are stores of 'stuff', represented by rectangles. They may describe water, money,
people, biomass,… whatever you are modelling.
Flows. These are the movements of material into and out of stocks, represented by broad
arrows. The arrow can be thought of as a pipe, with a tap on it to regulate the flow. Sources and
sinks of the material are represented by 'clouds'.
Converters. These are represented by circles. They hold values of constants and formulae used
to convert one type of material to another.
Connectors. These narrow arrows show the logical connections between components in the
GEAR: 4.4 Mathematical models 237
model. The equations describing the model
must be consistent with these connections.
The stock of soil water (W) has an inflow of
rain (R) and outflows of uptake (U) and drainage
(D). The actual values of these are read from
data files. The model is completed by filling in
a formula or other details in each location
marked by '?'. The model can then be run.
In Figure 3b the uptake is now calculated as
c.P, where P is the potential evapotranspiration
(PeT), also read from a file. It should be clear
from this that modifying the model requires
little more than adding components to the
diagram. The real challenge of course is
deciding how to model uptake, not changing
the computer code – this is why software such
as STELLA is so important. The final step
(Figure 3c) shown here displays two more
changes that the modeller thought would
help. The drainage is now calculated (because
there was no measured data available) and the
uptake now depends on both the crop biomass
and the soil water. The latter involves keeping
track of the biomass growth, a second stock in
the model. Many physiologists would be
uncomfortable with a single 'type' of biomass,
and start differentiating it into, say, roots,
stems, leaf and grain. Then you need to add
components that describe what the
partitioning depends on. Similarly the soil
scientist would like to have several soil layers,
each with different hydraulic properties. The
model can quickly become complex. The value
of software such as STELLA is that it allows
you, as researcher, to think about what
constitutes a sensible model for you, rather
than worrying about computer codes.
Sensitivity analysis, validation,
verification and calibration
Sensitivity analysis
Through sensitivity analysis, you can gain a
good overview of the most sensitive
components of the model. Sensitivity analysis
attempts to provide a measure of the
sensitivity of other parameters or forcing
functions, or sub-models to the stated
variables of greatest interest in the model. It
helps you to systematically explore the
response of the model to changes in one or
GEAR: 4.4 Mathematical models 238
Figure 3a. Simple soil water
model in STELLA
Figure 3b. Simple soil water model with
uptake modelled as c.PeT
Figure 3c. Simple soil water model with
uptake depending on both crop biomass
and soil water
more parameters, to see how sensitive the overall model outcome is to a change in value. This
sensitivity is always dependent on the context of the setting of other parameters, so you should
be careful about the conclusions you draw. Some parameters only matter in particular types of
circumstance. Others, however, seem to always matter, or to matter hardly at all. This type of
model analysis is used to see which parameters should get priority in a measurement
programme. You must be provided with affordable techniques for sensitivity analysis if you are
to understand which relationships are meaningful in complicated models. This is equally true
whether you are using an already developed model, modifying a model or developing one.
Validation, verification and calibration
In general, verification focuses on the internal consistency of a model, while validation is
concerned with the correspondence between the model and the reality. Calibration checks that
the data generated by the simulation matches real (observed) data, it can also be considered as
tuning of existing parameters. These steps can be among the most conceptually difficult. No
model is universally 'valid' in the sense that it will give 'correct' predictions in all circumstances.
There will always be discrepancies between observed and predicted values. These discrepancies
can be made smaller by calibration and by making adjustments to the model. However this
does not necessarily increase the usefulness of the model in either: explaining your observations
of the real world, or making predictions about behaviour in the real world.
Simulate a variety of scenarios to generate non-obvious discussion
Simulation models have been used widely in Kenya to address various problems. Three
examples are given to help you see how they can be used.
Soil fertility management in western Kenya: Dynamic simulation of productivity,
profitability and sustainability at different resource endowment levels
A farm economic-ecological simulation model was designed to assess the long-term impact of
existing soil management strategies, on-farm productivity, profitability and sustainability. The
authors developed a model that links biophysical and economic processes at the farm scale.
The model, which runs in time units of 1 year, describes soil management practices, nutrient
availability, plant and livestock productivity, and farm economics. It concluded that low land
and capital resources constrain the adoption of sustainable soil management practices on the
majority of farms in the study area. Previously it had been assumed that low-input organic
methods were suitable for the poorest farmers. For more details, see Shepherd and Soule (1998).
Modelling leaf phenology effects on growth and water use in an agroforestry system
containing maize in the semi-arid Central Kenya using WaNuLCAS
The three tree species under study were Grevillea robusta (evergreen), Alnus acuminata
(semidecidous) and Paulownia fortunei (deciduous). The inputs included climate data, soil data,
calendar of events, crop and tree parameters, agroforestry zones and layers, and leafing
phenologies. The scenario outputs included soil water balance, tree and crop biomass and
stem diameter. WaNuLCAS model simulations demonstrated that altering leaf phenology
from evergreen through semi-deciduous to deciduous decreased tree water uptake and
interception losses but increased crop water uptake, and drainage rates in all the species. It
was therefore concluded that deciduous tree species would compete less with crops and be
more advantageous in increasing stream flow than evergreen trees. Phenology had not
previously been a major consideration in determining tree selection For more details, see
Muthuri (2004).
Modelling the benefits of soil water conservation using PARCH; A case study from a semi-
arid region of Kenya.
GEAR: 4.4 Mathematical models 239
The PARCH model was used to simulate maize grain yield under three soil/water conservation
scenarios: 1. a typical situation where 30% of rainfall above a 15 mm threshold is lost as runoff,
2. runoff control, where all rainfall infiltrates, and 3. runoff harvesting, which results in 60%
extra 'rainfall' for rains above 15 mm. The study showed that runoff control and runoff
harvesting produced significant maize yield increases in both the short and the long rains.
Previously runoff control was justified more for erosion benefits than increased crop production.
For more details, see Stephens and Hess (1999).
The success of models developed by physicists and chemists has led to the rapid development of
modern technology, the conquest of many diseases resulting in increased life expectancy, and the
improvement of human lives on earth. But, no matter how successful a model has been, scientists
realise there may be aspects of the world that the model fails to explain, or worse, predicts
incorrectly. Nevertheless, creating and using models is one of the most powerful tools ever
developed. But, there is a need to revise and improve models as new information is discovered.
Further resource material and references
There are many books, journals and articles on models. Most tend to be specialised and specific
to certain models or application of models in specific areas of specialisations. To understand
some basics on what models are, and how you can build a model, three books are listed below
particularly useful.
Appendix 1. The Craft of Research. Paul L. Woomer.
Appendix 11. ICRAF. 2003. Genstat Discovery Edition and Other Resources. World Agroforestry Centre
(ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya.
Anon. 2003. Why the analysis of wide range of physical phenomena leads to consistent and successful
results when applying the BSM concept and models?
why_successful.htm [accessed June 2009]
Ford, A. 1999. Modelling the Environment. An introduction to system dynamics modelling of Environmental
Systems. Island Press, California, USA. 401 pp.
Jorgensen, S.E. 1994. Fundamentals of ecological modelling. Elsevier, London, UK. 628 pp.
Matthews, B.R. and Stephens, W. 2002. Crop-Soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries. CAB
International, Wallingford, UK.
Muthuri, C.W. 2004. Impact of Agroforestry on crop performance and water resources in semi-arid central Kenya.
PhD Thesis. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT). 289 pp.
Van Noordwijk, M. and Lusiana, B. and Ni'matul Khasanah. 2004. WaNuLCAS version 3.01: Background
on a model of water, nutrient and light capture in agroforestry systems. International Centre for
Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), Bogor, Indonesia, 246 pp
Shepherd, K.D. and Soule, M.J. 1998. Soil fertility management in Western Kenya: dynamic simulation of
productivity, profitability and sustainability at different resource endowment levels. Agriculture,
Ecosystem and Environment 71: 131-145.
GEAR: 4.4 Mathematical models 240
Soto, R. 2003. Introducing System Thinking in High School. The Connector 1(5). [accessed June 2009]
Stephens, W. and Hess, T.M. 1999. Modelling the benefits of soil water conservation using the PARCH
model –a case study from a semi-arid region of Kenya. Journal of Arid Environments 41: 335-344.
Vohnout, K. 2003 Mathematical Modelling For System Analysis In Agricultural Research. Elsevier, New York.
Internet resources
Ecological models
CERES crop models
FALLOW model at
FLORES model at An example of model building in
participatory research
WaNuLCAS model at
STELLA software; ISEE Systems at
Powersim software; The business simulating company
Vensim PLE. Vantana Systems Inc.
Management Unit of the North sea Mathematical Models (MUMM) (2003)
Model Maker: available from
GEAR: 4.4 Mathematical models 241
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Models of tree-soil-crop interactions in agroforestry should maintain a balance between dynamic processes and spatial patterns of interactions for common resources. We give an outline and discuss major assumptions underlying the WaNuLCAS model of water, nitrogen and light interactions in agroforestry systems. The model was developed to deal with a wide range of agroforestry systems: hedgerow intercropping on flat or sloping land, fallow-crop mosaics or isolated trees in parklands, with minimum parameter adjustments. Examples are presented for simulation runs of hedgerow intercropping systems at different hedgerow spacings and pruning regimes, a test of the safety-net function of deep tree roots, lateral interactions in crop-fallow mosaics and a first exploration for parkland systems with a circular geometry.
- K.D. Vohnout
This book provides a clear picture of the use of applied mathematics as a tool for improving the accuracy of agricultural research. For decades, statistics has been regarded as the fundamental tool of the scientific method. With new breakthroughs in computers and computer software, it has become feasible and necessary to improve the traditional approach in agricultural research by including additional mathematical modeling procedures. The difficulty with the use of mathematics for agricultural scientists is that most courses in applied mathematics have been designed for engineering students. This publication is written by a professional in animal science targeting professionals in the biological, namely agricultural and animal scientists and graduate students in agricultural and animal sciences. The only prerequisite for the reader to understand the topics of this book is an introduction to college algebra, calculus and statistics. This is a manual of procedures for the mathematical modeling of agricultural systems and for the design and analyses of experimental data and experimental tests. It is a step-by-step guide for mathematical modeling of agricultural systems, starting with the statement of the research problem and up to implementing the project and running system experiments.
Field experiments in the semi-arid regions of Kenya have shown that soil water conservation techniques can result in increased maize grain yields. The degree of benefit in a particular season is dependant on the rainfall amount and distribution. However, the results of field experiments are limited to a few years of observations at specific locations and it is therefore difficult to make generalized conclusions about the benefits in years of differing rainfall patterns.The PARCH model has been calibrated for Katumani Composite 'B'—a local variety of maize used in the Machakos district of Kenya—and validated against observed grain and dry matter yields from experimental plots. Historical daily rainfall data were collected for Katumani Research Station, in the semi-arid region of Kenya, during the period 1961 to 1994. Seasonal totals for the short rains (October to February) and long rains (February to August) were calculated and nine years were selected as representative of 'wet', 'average' and 'dry' seasons for the long and short rains, respectively.The PARCH model was then used to simulate the maize grain yield under three soil water conservation scenarios: (i) a typical situation where 30% of rainfall above a 15 mm threshold is lost as runoff, (ii) runoff control, where all rainfall infiltrates, and (iii) runoff harvesting, which results in 60% extra 'rainfall' for rains above 15 mm. The soil was taken to be a sandy clay loam which is typically found in the region. Two planting densities of 4·4 and 8·8 plants m−2were used to simulate normal and high levels of management. Planting dates were determined from the 30% runoff scenario and were fixed for the other scenarios to avoid confounding the results.The results showed that runoff control and runoff harvesting produce significant yield increases in 'average' years in both the long rains and the short rains. However, in 'dry' years there were only small yield increases in the short rains and negligible benefit in the long rains. In 'wet' years there were no significant yield increases due to water conservation in either season.Clearly, these results are a simplification of the real situation where water conservation strategies may allow earlier planting or be accompanied by increased planting densities, both of which may result in yield increases. However, this work demonstrates the usefulness of appropriate crop growth models in evaluating a wider range of crop management strategies under a realistic range of climatic conditions than would be possible in the field.
- M.J. Soule
A farm simulation model was designed to assess the long-term impact of existing soil management strategies, on farm productivity, profitability and sustainability. The model, which runs in time units of 1 year, links soil management practices, nutrient availability, plant and livestock productivity, and farm economics A case study is presented of the application of the model to existing, mixed farm systems in Vihiga district, in the highlands of western Kenya. Three representative farm types were developed using participatory techniques to reflect differences in resource endowments and constraints faced by farmers. The model was used to assess the sustainability of the existing systems for the three farm types as a basis for recommending improved practices for each. A summary model for calculating new sustainability indicators of soil productivity is presented. The low (LRE) and medium (MRE) resource endowment farms, which comprise about 90% of the farms in the area, have declining soil organic matter and low productivity and profitability. In contrast, the high resource endowment category of farms (HRE) have increasing soil organic matter, low soil nutrient losses and are productive and profitable. Crop nutrient yields were 17, 19 and 86 kg N ha−1 year−1 on LRE, MRE and HRE farms, respectively. Soil C, N and P budgets were negative in LRE and MRE but positive in HRE. Farm revenue in LRE and MRE was 2–13% of farm revenue in HRE. It comprised 7% of household income in LRE compared with 25% in MRE and 63% in HRE. It is concluded that low land and capital resources constrain the adoption of ecologically and economically sustainable soil management practices on the majority of farms in the area. Strategies are needed to (i) increase the value of farm output (ii) increase high quality nutrient inputs at low cash and labour costs to the farmer, and (iii) increase off-farm income.
Curso de: Ecología (01PT029) Introducción a los sistemas dinámicos utilizados como modelos de simulación en el área de estudios medioambientales. Además de presentar los conceptos básicos, ilustra al lector sobre la mecánica para la construcción de modelos, así como un gran volumen de ejercicios.
Why the analysis of wide range of physical phenomena leads to consistent and successful results when applying the BSM concept and models?
- Anon
Anon. 2003. Why the analysis of wide range of physical phenomena leads to consistent and successful results when applying the BSM concept and models? why_successful.htm [accessed June 2009]
Crop-Soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries
- B R Matthews
- W Stephens
Matthews, B.R. and Stephens, W. 2002. Crop-Soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
Impact of Agroforestry on crop performance and water resources in semi-arid central Kenya
- C W Muthuri
Muthuri, C.W. 2004. Impact of Agroforestry on crop performance and water resources in semi-arid central Kenya. PhD Thesis. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT). 289 pp.
Introducing System Thinking in High School
- R Soto
Soto, R. 2003. Introducing System Thinking in High School. The Connector 1(5).
Tennis Ball Mathematical Modeling Pdf
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