Draw manga eyes

    Back to cartoon manga and anime. And today nosotros're going how to draw probably the most of import part of a manga character, the eyes. And, in order to learn how to draw manga optics, we're going to take starting time a vast collection of manga optics then that yous can cull some of the ones you similar. You can even try to copy them by your own and adapt them to your manga character.

    Draw manga eyes

    Bunch of manga eyes

    Or you could scout some of the following videos showing you how the famous creative person Mark Crilley draws manga eyes (y'all can find some of his work on Amazon). They are really expert and could teach y'all a lot most manga optics cartoon.

    Guide showing you how to draw 4 types of manga eyes – role 1

    And the second part of the guide

    If yous think all these resources are not enough, then perhaps you should check out these books below made by some of the all-time manga drawing artist in the earth. They are printed and distributed by Amazon and come up for 5ery proficient prices. Check them out below:

    Of course if you want a step by step tutorial you can ever check out the one here. Nosotros'll try to mail some similar stuff hither on Howtodrawguide.com as soon as possible. But since there are so many ways for you to acquire how to draw manga eyes, you'll take to settle with only the ones showed in a higher place for now. Merely stay tuned, more is coming.