
Discord Push To Talk Sound Deaktivieren

Enable/disable Push-to-Talk on Discord [Total Guide]

past Tashreef Shareef

Tashreef Shareef is a software developer turned tech author. He discovered his interest in technology afterward reading a tech mag accidentally. Now he writes most everything tech from... read more

  • The Discord Push to Talk feature helps you lot suppress background noise by muting the microphone automatically.
  • You can enable Push to Talk in Discord for Windows computers from the user settings console.
  • This tool can be easily configured according to your own needs.
  • Keep in mind the Push to Talk Discord feature in Chrome and browser is very limited.

Third-party VoIP apps like Discord makes it piece of cake to communicate with players during the gaming session.

Nonetheless, keeping your microphone on all the time means the background noise can overwhelm your friends.

Enabling Button to Talk in Discord tin can help you negate this problem altogether. With Push button to Talk enabled, the app will mute your mic automatically until you hit the pre-defined primal and speak.

If you are new to Discord and not sure how to use this feature, this is the guide you need. In this guide, we have discussed in item how to enable, disable and configure button to talk in our presented soft.

Why would I use Push button to Talk in Discord?

This option might be extremely useful because it prevents accidental and embarrassing moments. In addition, it is also able to keep overall noise down from environmental racket similar your keyboard or other people talking to you.

In case you are someone that tin can comfortably utilise your thumb for your button-to-talk key,C, V, or B on your keyboard may be suitable options. Another great primal selection could be the scroll wheel click on your mouse.

Now, permit's have a look at some useful means to apply this amazing feature.

How does Push to Talk work on Discord?

ane. Enable it in Discord

  1. Hit the Windows key, blazon Discord, then open up the first effect.
  2. Click on the Settings (Gear icon) at the bottom of the window.
  3. Open the Voice & Video tab under the App Settings department.
  4. In the Input Style, checkmark the Push to Talk option.

You lot may see other related settings for Push to Talk; however, go out information technology as it is for at present as nosotros will cover them in the configuration section subsequently.

Once you take enabled Push to Talk in Discord, yous need to configure the properties to use information technology. The app allows you to set a defended central to activate Push to Talk and configure other aspects of it as well.

How to go on Discord running without problems?

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2. Disable this feature in Discord

  1. Hit the Windows central, type Discord, then open the first result.
  2. Click on the Settings (Gear icon) at the bottom of the window.
  3. Navigate over again to the Voice & Video tab.
  4. Cull the Voice Activity option to disable Push to Talk.

How tin can I configure Push to Talk in Discord?

  1. Striking the Windows key, blazon Discord, then open the first result.
  2. Click on the Settings (Gear icon) at the lesser of the window.
  3. From the left pane, click on Keybinds.
  4. Click thursdaye Add a Keybind button on acme.
  5. Click the Activity drop-down carte and choose Push to Talk.
  6. In the Keybind field, enter the letter of the alphabet that you want to set every bit the shortcut to activate Push to Talk. Discord allows you to set up multiple keys for the same feature.
  7. To enter the shortcut key, click on the Keyboard icon on the Keybind field.
  8. Press the shortcut key that you desire to assign to Push to Talk, so click on Stop Recording.
  9. Next, go dorsum to the Voice & Video tab.
  10. Here y'all volition notice a Push button to Talk Release Delay slider. Crank information technology up a bit to avoid interrupting yourself by mistake.

Discord uses the filibuster slider input to make up one's mind when to cut your vocalization after releasing the Push button to Talk key.

Yous can further suppress the groundwork noise by enabling the Racket suppression characteristic. Discord uses organic, locally-sourced Opus Phonation codec as well as third-party codecs from Krisp.

The shortcut key listed in the Push button to Talk section is the push to apply for Button to Talk in Discord. You lot can also acquire most the shortcuts past accessing the Keybind tab under Settings.

To check your newly enabled Push to Talk key demark, click the Allow'due south Check button. If the volume indicators show movement, information technology means the mic is working.

Unable to brand information technology piece of work? Refer to our Discord Push button to Talk not working in-game guide instead.

If you're still not able to make it piece of work, we recommend submitting a asking on the Discord back up page.

Keep in mind that if you want to use Push button to Talk Discord in your browser and Chromebook, you tin can access the Discord web app. However, the Push to Talk feature is limited online and but works when the browser tab has focus.

The Push to Talk feature can aid in many ways, specially when you lot don't want to mind to all that's happening in the background of your friend's stream.

By enabling Push to Talk, you and your friends can heed to simply what'southward necessary.

In example you have additional questions, feel gratis to utilise the annotate section listed below.


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