
How To Draw A Helmet Armour Profile

How to draw a gladiator

Grid step

You tin can print out the base structure lines and beginning drawing on tracing paper or you can draw the filigree layout yourself using the following steps… Show more

ane) At the top of the sheet, determine the location of the head and depict its provisional size using an oval.
ii) Draw a vertical line through the middle of the right hemisphere of the head.
3) From the upper edge of the caput, draw two segments equal to the height of the head and one segment equal to three-quarters the peak of the head. This will be the upper boundary of the effigy.
4) From the upper edge of the head, draw six segments equal to the top of the caput and one segment equal to ii-thirds the elevation of the head.
5) From the central vertical line of the figure, measure and draw:
• Two segments equal to the width of the head – to the left of the line.
• 2 segments equal to the width of the head – to the right of the line.
Through the boundaries of the segments we describe vertical lines. The farthermost left and correct segments are the vertical boundaries of the drawing.


Step one

Marker off the width and height of the picture. Define the general proportions of the gladiator. Draw guidelines for his caput, trunk, sword and poleaxe.

Step 2

Draw the neck and torso of the gladiator.

Footstep 3

Add guidelines for the arms, legs proportions and facial features.

Pace iv

Draw the shapes of the legs, arms and easily of the gladiator. Sketch his nose, ear, helmet, tip of is sword and blades of his poleaxe.

Stride five

Delineate the armor, fingers and facial features of the gladiator.

Step 6

Detail the armor, poleaxe and sword.

Step vii

Piece of work on the figure, paying special attending to detail.

Step 8

Profile the gladiator, trying to vary the thickness and darkness of the line. Add more detail. Add the ground. Erase all guidelines.

Print version


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