
How To See Who Upvoted Youtube Comment

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A pinnacle comment is a comment that has received the greatest number of likes on a video. Though it may sound uncomplicated, getting your comment to trend and striking the top requires strategy, which will be outlined throughout this commodity.


  1. 1

    Discover a popular video. The video must be pop enough that is has at least a few hundred g views, but not and so many that the video itself is no longer rising. You need to leave infinite for the video itself to abound.

  2. 2

    Spotter the whole video. Take note of anything like which you would exist willing to comment on.


  3. iii

    Check the comments. If yous see a comment which is rising to hit the summit, indicated by a large number of votes in a short corporeality of time, answer to it immediately. Your comment will hit many likes as well.

  4. 4

    Add to the discussion and remember that what y'all are saying must exist useful. Useless comments rarely hit the height. Remember that whatever you lot are maxim is something people will want others to come across.

  5. 5

    Talk nigh a background scene in the video that few (if whatever) people noticed. For example, type in "Did anyone see that old monkey go slapped in the face in the bottom correct corner at iii:12?"

  6. half-dozen

    E'er recollect that trending doesn't e'er happen and that yous must exist persistent. Getting likes is mostly luck. Bad timing can render fifty-fifty the nigh useful comment a bottom annotate. Ever remember that for something to trend, you take to be lucky enough for it to strike a chord amongst the viewers.

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  • Question

    My comment has no thumbs up, but it's however a elevation comment. How is this possible?

    Community Answer

    You probably clicked on a link provided by Youtube to your comment. Check your URL, and if it's longer than usual, that'due south probably it. You tin make whatever comment show as a top comment if you click on the time it was posted, shown abreast the commenter's nickname.

  • Question

    What if it'due south a music video?


    You can still follow the steps in this article. Think of an original comment. Don't re-create other people'due south comments. Say something interesting and unique. Avoid asking for likes or stating what year you are watching the video as people usually find those comments abrasive. Consider saying something funny relating to the video equally these usually get rated well. Comments most how the song affects yous or a retention of the song commonly get highly rated also.

  • Question

    My comments get pushed down to the bottom. Why does this happen, even if they get likes?


    Although they appear invisible, dislikes can affect this. It could mayhap exist pushed to the lesser from dislikes. Sometimes newer comments make their style up to the pinnacle so people get a chance to see them.

  • Question

    What does "highlighted annotate" mean?


    You see this when yous are viewing your notifications and someone has replied to your comment. The highlighted annotate is the annotate you clicked on from your notifications.

  • Question

    My comment got a lot of likes, but it ended upwardly far below comments with no likes. I noticed a lot of the comments were out of order pertaining to the number of likes. Why is that?


    The club of the comments are not based on one factor. There are other factors that affect how high the comments are, one of the biggest ones are dislikes. They appear invisible but they tin bear upon where a comment is.

  • Question

    What happens if someone copied my comment on YouTube? Is information technology punishable?


    It isn't punishable as comments aren't copyrighted. It could just exist that the person had the aforementioned idea as you and that why you have the same comment. If you lot want, you tin can answer to them in an assertive way, telling them you lot commented the same thing.

  • Question

    I am trying to like my own comments with dissimilar accounts and I go on getting zero likes. What'southward happening here?


    If you lot are using the comments as a way to boost your ain comment by making your ain channels from the aforementioned account, people may remember it may be botted, based on the likes. YouTube may have also checked the quick spike on the comments and decided to non count them in your comments.

  • Question

    I copied a comment, and I got the top comment. Should I practise information technology again adjacent time?


    If the video you had was a trending video that was memed, you can try doing it again to boost popularity. However, people won't like a copied joke!

  • Question

    Does a person get anything for having a lot of highlighted comments?


    While commenting is fun on YouTube, there isn't a gift for getting popular comments. Nonetheless, you can requite yourself praise for making yourself pop in a comment.

  • Question

    My comment gets a lot of likes, and it stops at a random number. What's going on?


    If you manage to get more 999 likes, the organization will marking it as 1.0k (and then on) likes, without showing the exact number.

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  • Have a make clean and likable sense of sense of humor. Don't make discriminative jokes.

  • Recall that for something to trend, people not only have to similar information technology, but even see information technology in the first identify.

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  • Don't use strong linguistic communication, especially if it insults someone. Utilise asterisks if you take to.


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